Sardinia - Sea TV

Bosa Sailing and Mooring Guide

Bosa lies on the west coast of Sardinia, where the river meets the Mediterranean Sea.

There are two breakwaters: one south of Isola Rossa and another at the entrance of the Temo River.

The village of Bosa lies about a mile from the port, so you can either go upriver on your dinghy or take the tourist train.

Temo River is the only navigable river in Sardinia.

This small village is known as one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.


There are two breakwaters: one south of Isola Rossa and the other at the entrance of Fiume Temo River.

Please be on the lookout for Torre di Bosa, the three-storeyed lighthouse, to help guide your approach.


Porticciolo di Bosa Marina

Coordinates: 40°17’13.1″N 8°28’32.4″E

VHF: Ch14

Max Draft: 9m

Max Length: 50m

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +39 338 6512983


You can anchor in the bay in 6-10m; the bottom is sand and mud, providing good holding.

Mooring – Fiume Temo River

Bosa Marina

24h Free: 4 Berths

VHF: Ch16

Max Draft: 4.5m

Max Length: 45m

Phone: +39 0785 375468

Nautica Pinna SRL

Coordinates: 40°17’37.2″N 8°28’44.8″E

VHF: Ch73

Max Draft: 4


Sailors tips

You can book guided tours around the Tower of Bosa & in the Museums:


Instagram Reels

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