Licensee - Sea TV

By Checking the “I Agree” square and the “Submit” button, I hereby grant to Sigal Segev and or the site owners and their successors, the executors of their will, the administrators of their estate, their representatives and the recipients of the transfer from them (Hereinafter: “The Licensee”) a license to use the submitted materials (Hereinafter: “The Materials”). The License is given on a non exclusive basis, and is irrevocable, without any limitations in the number of uses, time and place of use (throughout the entire world) and the way the materials are being used. The License allows licensee to grant sub-licenses to 3rd parties, allowing the 3rd Parties all rights held by Licensee according to this License. The License is given free of any charge or fee from any and all kind.

I declare that I am the sole right owner in the Materials, and that I can grant the said License to the Licensee. I am aware that the Licensee is acting upon my declaration, and I oblige will remunerate and indemnify the Licensee for any damages and loss of profits he has taken deriving from a copyright infringement in the Materials.

To Clarify, The Licensee can use the Materials, free of charge, as they sees fit. Without limiting, the Licensee can edit the materials, change them, add to the materials whatever it sees fit, delete parts of the materials, mix the Materials of one user with that of another User or with any other content they see fit. The Licensee can authorize 3rd parties to use the materials in the same way the Licensee can use them.

It is also clarified that any new content created by the Licensee while using the Materials is the property of the Licensee. The Licensee will have any and all rights in the new content, including all copyrights, and can use the new content as they see fit, without any limitation whatsoever.

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