Sardinia - Sea TV

Sailing Area: Best anchorage Spargi La Maddalena Italy, Sardinia

Best Anchorage at Spargi, La Maddalena, Italy

Spargi – Cala Corsara

Coordinates: 41°13.714’N 9°20.538’E

About a mile west of La Maddalena lies Spargi, a rocky and hilly island rising to 155m. Spargi has a unique charm, especially if you can overlook the cruise ships that occasionally fill the beach with bathers.


From the south, you will encounter Secca Corsara, which is marked by a south cardinal mark. Spargiotto lies off the northeast corner of Spargi, but this area is prohibited.

There are three main anchorages around the island, although in summer, yachts often anchor wherever it is convenient. We anchored in 5m on sand at Cala Corsara (41°13.714’N 9°20.538’E).

Note: Take care not to tie up with the yellow buoys or anchor near them, as they are reserved for tourist boats. Be cautious, as the area can be dangerous for swimming, but in good weather, early in the morning or at night, it’s a spot not to be missed.




Sailors tips

cala corsara- in calm weather

Be there early in the morninig or at night


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