Dodecanese Islands - Sea TV

The bay of kastellorizo is located at the NE of the Island.


When approaching from the N – straightforward

Approaching from the S there are islets and underwater rocks, so check the navigation maps.

Kastellorizo Port 36°09’00.9″N 29°35’26.6″E

VHF Ch35

Max draft 2.5 m

Max length 55 m

You can stern to the SE quay

The bottom is mud & rocks

Anchorage inside the port is prohibited

Dangers: a rocky reef lies about 55 m to the NW of the port light.

Cove Navlakas is open to the SE, 1.3M of cape Megalos Niftis. Depths at the inner part of the cove is Approx.11m


Sailors tips

Don't miss a swim in the Blue cave(Photsaliki)

Blue Cave (Photsaliki)




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