Panarea Aeolian Islands- Docking options - Sea TV

Panarea Aeolian Islands- Docking options

Panarea Aeolian Islands- Docking options

Panarea lies on an underwater platform that juts out of the sea at numerous points around the island

including the islets of panarelli, Dattilo, Lisca Bianca & Lisca Nera, Basiluzzo and the Formiche Rocks.

Scalo Ditella (san Pietro) is on the E side of the Island The pier is used by local craft and ferries. in a calm weather Anchor  to the N about 200m of the pier in depths  of 5 and 12m, the bottom is sand -reasonable holding

Cala Zimmari  you can  anchor in 5 and 10m on sand with good holding although  its open E and S

Cala Junco care is needed of underwater rocks in the bayanchor on the W side of punta milazzese in 5-8m with a long line ashore

We found in front of the village a free ‘hook’ for attachment, although anchoring can be anchored at the bottom of the sand, to a depth of about 15 m. The abattoirs are located to the south and north of the ferry dock, and most of them will probably be occupied during the season. Going down to the village with Dingi and connecting to the ferry pier is possible only when the sea is quiet. Another place where we had anchored, in a designated area as a dive site, in coves in the southeast of the island. This protected inlet can be considered as an exit point for nighttime viewing at Stromboli and returned to it after the show if the sea is wavy. It is possible to refuel on the platform, but it is not recommended to connect with the boat but to transfer fuel through jerry cans.

The village, with its 280 permanent residents (during the summer), is built on its northeastern side, with all the buildings painted white, which is somewhat reminiscent of the Greek Aegean Sea. In one of the ‘antique’ shops that mainly import from Indonesia, we met Najib, a Tunisian who lived on the island for seven years and works for the owners of the local Raya Hotel. When Najib realised that we were from Israel, he asked us to accompany him to meet his “bosses” – Miriam and Roberto … Miriam, a Jewish woman, born in the Como region, established her beautiful husband, Beach and three boutique stores. In the meantime, Miriam’s husband passed away, and today she runs her life between the island and Indonesia, together with Roberto, a tall Bosnian, and they both hosted us with a bottle of wine and local matzas on the restaurant’s balcony.

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