Sail Portobelo, Colon, Panama - Sea TV

Sail Portobelo, Colon, Panama

Sail Portobelo, Colon, Panama

Out from shelter bay marina in panama

Planing our next stop in  Portobello, Colon Panama about 3.5 hours sail 

From quit far off we saw a sea of Masts…  As we approached, we could see that this was a central place for abandoned and neglect boats.

Portobello in Colon Panama

Portobello A historic town, given its name by Columbus, 

who arrived on he’s fourth journey with his Spanish colonial forces 

The old city and some buildings are still a tourist attraction, but the preservation and restoration of the site is very poor.

We were told that Portobello had great restaurants so if you can share a good in the commends bellow, that will be lovely…

Docking location should be chosen according to the desired depth of the boat, the bottom is muddy/sandy. 

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