Salina, Aeolian Islands, Sicily - Sea TV

Salina, Aeolian Islands, Sicily

Salina, Aeolian Islands, Sicily

Salina Lies two miles NW of Lipari island Santa Marina Salina is on the E coast off a small town You can call on a VHF Ch 16or channel 11 for Porto Delle Eolie Malfa or (Scalo Galera) Is a miniature harbour on the N coast With Depths between 1 and 5m But its Crowded with local boats Rinella offers A short mole on the S coast, If there are no berths on the quay, you can anchor off in depths between 1 and 10m or outside of the moorings in over 15m depths but is Limited space to anchor A Tour around Salina takes about 3.5hours The town is well maintained and the central street offers many shops and attractive restaurants Salina is beautiful and green

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