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Porto Pollo (Puddu) best anchorage for surfers

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Sailing Area: Porto Pollo (Puddu) best anchorage for surfers

If you fancy kitesurfing or windsurfing, this magnificent place is for you…
Porto Pollo is located on the northeastern coast of Sardinia between Santa Teresa di Gallura and Palau. The town of Olbia, with its airport and harbour, is about 45km away. From Palau, there are daily and regular connections via ferry boat to Caprera and La Maddalena islands.
Velvet ivory beaches, supermarkets, bars and restaurants, several diving and surfing schools, and an excellent sheltered anchorage.

You have some options for anchorage:

Porto Pollo (Puddu) 41°11’15.6″N 9°19’57.3″E

A wide sheltered bay between the Isola Isuledda peninsula on W and Punta Sardinia on E, attractive and well protected, with many surfers around. Care is needed when approaching.  A good anchorage S of the islet at the centre closer to the shore at 5-10m. The depths come up quickly from 10-15m S of the islet.The bottom is sandy mud & seaweed. There are some buoys, usually reserved. You can dock your dinghy on the southwestern or at the N wooden jetty
There is a small supermarket.

Porto Liscia 41°11’45.0″N 9°17’54.0″E

A large, well-protected bay E of Porto Pozzo and W of Isola Isuledda (a peninsula). Anchor at 3-10 m; the bottom is sand, good holding. The depths come up quickly close to the shore. Excellent shelter.

Porto Pozzo 41°11’58.5″N 9°16’31.9″E

Porto Pozzo is a deep fiord-like inlet E of Santa Teresa Gallura.
There are approximately 30 Buoys
Max length 13m
VHF Ch09

Sintonia Marina 41°11’49.4″N 9°16’19.8″E

Max length 25m
Max draft 2m
VHF Ch09


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