Minorca - Sea TV best anchorages

Cala’n Tosqueta

SeaTV produce visual pilot videos on the mooring and facilities around.

Sailing Area: Cala’n Tosqueta, Minorca


Cala’n Tosqueta: Minorca’s Hidden Gem on Fornells Peninsula


Cala’n Tosqueta, also known as Cala’n Turqueta, is a magical bay located on the Fornells Peninsula of Minorca. This secluded cove offers a unique experience for sailors, but requires careful navigation and respect for the environment.

Location and Coordinates

Coordinates: 40°03’21.7″N 4°10’04.8″E

Situated on the Fornells Peninsula, this cove is known for its pristine beauty and clear waters.

Navigation and Approach

Key Considerations:

  • Exercise extreme caution when approaching
  • Be aware of underwater rocks in the area
  • Do not attempt to enter the inner cove

Anchoring Information


  • Recommended for day anchorage only
  • Anchor on sandy patches to protect the seabed
  • Use the Donia app to avoid anchoring on Posidonia (seagrass)
  • Be prepared for some motorboat traffic during daytime hours

Environmental Considerations

Protecting the local marine ecosystem is crucial. Sailors are urged to:

  • Use the Donia app to identify safe anchoring spots
  • Avoid damaging Posidonia seagrass beds
  • Respect the natural beauty of the cove
  • Practice “Leave No Trace” principles

Best Practices

  • Visit during calm weather conditions
  • Arrive early to secure a good anchoring spot
  • Bring necessary supplies as there are no facilities in the cove
  • Respect other visitors and maintain a peaceful atmosphere

Safety Reminder

Important: Due to the presence of underwater rocks and limited maneuvering space, Cala’n Tosqueta is recommended for experienced sailors only. Always prioritize safety and be prepared to seek alternative anchorage if conditions are unfavorable.


© @Sea TV 2024 Cala’n Tosqueta, Minorca Sailing Guide. All rights reserved.



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