MOB | MAN OVERBOARD | What to do? - Sea TV

MOB | MAN OVERBOARD | What to do?


Man Overboard (MOB) Procedure: What to Do?

Brief Your Crew

Sailing is generally a safe sport, but preparing for emergencies like a Man Overboard (MOB) is essential. While you don’t want to alarm your crew, discussing what to do in such a situation can be crucial. A regular MOB drill can save valuable time and increase the chances of a successful rescue if the unthinkable happens.

RYA Yachtmaster™ Crew Drill: Man Overboard Procedure

The following is the accepted RYA Yachtmaster™ crew drill for dealing with a man overboard situation:

Step-by-Step MOB Procedure

  1. Shout ‘man overboard’ to alert the crew immediately.
  2. Press the MOB button on the GPS to mark the location.
  3. Throw a life buoy and dan buoy towards the MOB. You can use a buoyant smoke flare to mark the location.
  4. Assign a crew member to point at the MOB to maintain visual contact constantly.
  5. Send a DSC distress alert and issue a Mayday call.
  6. Maintain visual contact: The assigned crew member must keep pointing at the MOB and not lose sight of them.
  7. If the motor is started, prepare a throwing line to assist the rescue.
  8. The skipper will maneuver the boat alongside the MOB, ensuring the boat is pointing into the wind and the propeller is stopped.
  9. Get a line around the MOB and safely bring them aboard.

Why MOB Drills Are Important?

Regularly practicing MOB drills can significantly reduce response time in an actual emergency. Ensure that everyone on board knows their role during a MOB scenario, from marking the location to assisting in the rescue.


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