Release Forearm, Triceps and lower back | yoga for sailors - Sea TV

Release Forearm, Triceps and lower back | yoga for sailors


Yoga for Sailors – Release Forearm, Triceps, and Lower Back

Yoga for Sailors

Sailing requires strength, flexibility, and endurance, often leading to tension in key muscle groups. Our yoga video series, produced by SeaTV out of love for the sailing community, focuses on releasing tension in your forearms, triceps, and lower back—commonly strained during sailing.

Why Focus on Forearms, Triceps, and Lower Back?

These muscle groups are heavily engaged while sailing, whether you’re handling ropes, steering, or maintaining balance on a rocking boat. Regularly practising yoga that targets these areas can help prevent injury, reduce soreness, and improve your overall sailing experience.

Watch Our Yoga Video Series

Join us in our comprehensive yoga video series, where we guide you through specific poses designed to release tension in the forearms, triceps, and lower back. This series is perfect for sailors who want to maintain peak physical condition and enhance their performance on the water.


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