Saronic Gulf & Eastern Peloponnese - Sea TV

Poros Island: Sailing Guide for the Saronic Gulf, Greece

Poros Island, Saronic Gulf, Greece

Approximately 18M south of Athens lies Poros. It is separated from the mainland by a 200 meters wide canal, close to the Peloponnese coast.


Authorities: Port police

From the north, you will see a lighthouse on the east side of the entrance. Once in the bay, you’ll see the town of Poros. From the south, the narrow channel is difficult to see. Care is needed to navigate the shallows; keep close to the Poros side and watch out for ferries cruising at speed.


A Mediterranean mooring style is used. Go stern to the north or south quay (electricity and water are available for a small fee). It is also possible to stand with a wall on the floating platform without electricity and water. Be careful with the anchor chains.

  • On the south quay, release around 20m of chain.
  • On the west and around 30m off at the east end.
  • On the north quay, a short section of chain, release around 20-30m of chain.
  • You can also anchor on the floating platform. Shelter is good.


  • Water and electricity at most berths, but not on the floating quay.
  • Fuel by mini-tanker: +306934887522


There are many natural, lovely bays around Poros. We loved Russian Bay, west of the town:

  • Russian Bay: 37° 31.10′ N, 23° 26.02′ E

Good shelter from the prevailing winds. The bottom is sand and mud. Care is needed of the reef running out for 50m on the east side of the islet.


Sailors tips

The town

Everything is clean And inviting. Around the city, the water line is with tavernas, shops, bakeries and cafes. As well as equipment Boat equipment shops. There are also more upscale restaurants

Up the stairs on the side of the mountain overlooking the sea. 

Don’t miss a walk along the pier; beautiful Yachts and mega-yachts.


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