Thailand - Sea TV sailing in Thailand; best anchorages; best marinas

Sailing Koh Mak Koh Kham, Koh Chang

SeaTV produce visual pilot videos on the mooring and facilities around.

Sailing Area: Sailing Koh Mak Koh Kham, Koh Chang, Thailand

Koh Mak island is a flat island, so try to take your time to discover this peaceful place, take a motorcycle or a bicycle will be great. There are a lot of resorts around, one street with a few Thai massages, a supermarket, a pharmacy, and one ATM.

We anchored on the Nort side- a long sandy beach in front of a big resort with a nice restaurant, showers & toilet.

Anchor 5-10m north of the Koh Mak Pier. Make your way ashore in daylight,  Bring your dinghy ashore to the East side of the pier on the sandy bottom, as there are big underwater rocks.

You can anchor on the Southeast in a small but well-protected bay. This is an excellent bay for paddling up the west coast. Anchor in the middle of the bay in 8-10m

Or anchor in Ao Phra, a vast bay- good shelter from the NE winds. Anchor in 5-7m.

Koh Kham island, 200bat fee, is a not to be missed spot.


Sailors tips


Bring your dinghy ashore to the East side of the pier on the sandy bottome. and walk from there.

Care is needed

To the end of the pier, there is a reef, so pull you dinghy engian on so it does not damaged, as the tied comes.

cooking school

Smile Koh Mak Thai Cooking School- on Google map

visit the website

Best Resttaurants

Koh Mak Seafood

Seavana Beach Resort Koh Mak

Coffie & breakfast

Bell cafe

Thai Massage!

Thai Massage

Suggested Itinerary


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