The Lycian Coast - Sea TV sail around and best anchorages

Kekova Roads, Turkey

SeaTV produce visual pilot videos on the mooring and facilities around.

Sailing Area: Kekova Roads, Turkey, The Lycian Coast

Kekova Roads is an enclosed bay, protected by Kekova Island. This is an island about 4 miles long, lying in the WSW-ENE direction.

There are two entrances to the Roads; the western & eastern.

Western  entrance (36º 10’.04N  29º 49’.81E)

At the western entrance, a group of islands lies in the middle and splits the entrance into two channels, West and East.  We took the western channel.

Eastern Entrance.  (36º 12’.26N  29º 54’.89E)  This entrance is clear of all obstructions.

Once into Kekova Roads, you’ll see the beautiful Castle at Kale Koy, home  of the ruins of ancient Simena 

with the impressive Crusader Castle above, looking out to sea.

Nearby you’ll find ruins of ancient temples & public baths.  You can look down upon a field of Lycian tombs, and the old city walls are visible on the outskirts

The anchorage at Kale key is suitable in calm weather but the holding is uncertain, so take care.

We tied up for a dinner on a nice restaurant’s pontoon.

The next day we sailed to Gokkaya Limani (36º 12’.668N  29º 53’.569E) a group of small islands, at the eastern end of Kekova Roads. Here you can anchor in 5-10m, on mud, with good holding & shelter

Western  entrance (36º 10’.04N  29º 49’.81E)

Eastern Entrance.  (36º 12’.26N  29º 54’.89E)

Gokkaya Limani (36º 12’.668N  29º 53’.569E)


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