Thailand - Sea TV sailing in Thailand; best anchorages; best marinas

Day 5: Ko Phi Phi, Ko Mai Phai, Don Lanah bay

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Sailing Area: Day 5: Ko Phi Phi, Ko Mai Phai, Don Lanah bay, Thailand

From Kantiang Bay, Ko Lanta we sailed NW for 25M to Ko Mai Phai, part of the Ko phi phi group of islands

Ko Mai Phai 7°48.989’N 98°48.065’E Not suitable for overnight. 

Anchor on sand in no less than 10m to the SE of Ko Mai Phai being careful not to drop on the reef which is an excellent snorkelling spot.

There are mooring buoys on the east side but do not pick it up as they are in very shallow water, you can tie your dinghy to them while snorkelling. Beware, there is a strong current.

Beware of the submerged reef at Hit Klang 7°47.50’N 98°47.00’E

Take great care: Do not drop your anchor in coral when anchoring in this area.

We Sailed SW for 3M to Ko Phi Phi Don Northeast 7°46.863’N 98°46.013’E 

This bay suitable only in the southwest season.

Good holding in no less than 12m

In front of the beach, a large flat rocky reef which can be exposed for up to 200m at low tide.

Beautiful beach Ashore with great resorts and spa

Our overnight stop was Ko Phi Phi Don Lanah Bay

Ko Phi Phi Don Lanah Bay 7°46.077’N 98°45.718’E 

suitable only in the Northeast season.

Anchor in 12-20m

Around the rocks to the S is an excellent spot for snorkelling.


Sailors tips

Ko Mai Phai

Beware of the submerged reef at Hit Klang 7°47.50’N 98°47.00’E

Seasons in Thailand:


From the meteorological point of view, the climate of Thailand may be divided into 

three seasons as follows :


 Rainy or southwest monsoon season (mid-May to mid-October). The southwest monsoon prevails over Thailand, and abundant rain occurs over the country. The wettest period of the year is August to September. The exception is found in the Southern Thailand East Coast where abundant rainfall remains until the end of the year that is the beginning period of the northeast monsoon and November is the wettest month. 

 Winter or northeast monsoon season (mid-October to mid-February). is the mild period of the year with quite cold in December and January in upper Thailand. Still, there is a significant amount of rainfall in Southern Thailand East Coast, especially during October to November.  

 Summer or pre-monsoon season, mid-February to mid-May. This is the transitional period from the northeast to southwest monsoons. The weather becomes warmer, especially in upper Thailand. April is the hottest month. 


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